
your orchard just a click away.

Take care of your orchard. Agrinsight® will help you to do this by accompanying you step by step. Download the app and get insights and recommendations to grow your business.


Your orchard data and agronomica know-how, always with you

AGRINSIGHT® is the innovative app. It implements the latest sensor technologies for the remote analysis and monitoring of all the factors affecting the progress of the orchard and an integrated chat with specialized agronomist technicians who indicate how and when to step in.

AGRINSIGHT® stands out for the completeness of the data offered by the sensors installed in the orchard, the sending of notifications signaling the risk conditions and when to intervene and immediate communication with the Agrinsight agronomic technical department of specialized Italian agronomists, which supports the fruit grower at every step, offering solutions for the optimal management of the orchard and high quality productions. With AGRINSIGHT® it is possible to intervene in a targeted way, with lower consumption of water, pesticides, fuels and a more efficient organization of the workforce.

Each stage of orchard management can be monitored and at your fingertips: soil and water analyses, orchard maintenance activities such as protection, fertilization, irrigation, pre-harvest, fruit collection and cold storage.

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Main features

Remotely monitor your orchard in real time via smartphone, tablet or computer


Agrinsight® sensors

Automatically manage and remotely control the factors that determine the efficient productivity of your orchard.

Agrinsight® sensors identify critical conditions in real time in order to plan targeted and timely interventions.

Weather station with GPRS connectivity


Reliable, simple, light and easy to install, it runs on solar power and with an ion battery and is complete with:

  • Multifunctional portal in die-cast aluminium box
  • Aerocone rain gauge to detect accumulated rain
  • Probe for air temperature and humidity, atmosferic pressure, with sun screens
  • Leaf wetness and a dripping sensor for measuring wetness outside the canopy
  • GPS and GPRS antenna
  • GPS position and time
  • 5W solar panel
  • Basic communication module
  • Anemometer for wind direction and speed. Snapshot of speed, average and peak. The measurement of wind speed is essential for planing irrigation activities with plant protection products, in order to ensure uniform coverage and reduce the drift effect.
  • Solar radiation and brightness sensor characterized by high sensivity and response speed
  • Steel tripod for fixing to the ground, complete with small parts

Advanced volumetric soil probe sensor for temperature detection


Suitable for all types of soil, it measures the dilelectic characteristics to obtain humidity and conductivity. The system, one of the most accurate on the market, was tested in collaboration with the University of Pisa:

  • Multifunctional portal with plastic packaging
  • GPS satellite locator
  • 5W solar panel with water resistant connector
  • Basic communication module
  • Sensor of leaf wetness and dripping of professional volumetric type of soil moisture

Leaf wetness and dripping sensor for the internal canopy


Capacity type, for internal foliage, resistant to phytosanitary treatments.
It measures the wetting (percentage of surface covered by water), the leaf temperature and, thanks to an innovative system with patent pending, detects dripping events, i.e. the drainage of water due to accumulation on the leaf.
Leaf wetness is a very important factor that leads to the development of fungal diseases, so dripping can become a means of transmitting infections already in place. This detection also makes it possible to better modulate the wash-out of any plant protection products.

    Pherormone insect trap with camera


    This innovative insect trap is equipped with a high resolution camera (8 mega pixels) that allows remote monitoring of insect catches. Includes:

    • GPS satellite locator
    • 5W solar panel with water resistant connector
    • 4 panels with entomological glue containing selective pherormones
    • Camera with automatic and daily image processing service, with archiving equipped with TRAP-VISION software for the automatic recognition of harmful insect species (e.g. codling moth), which calculates the number of daily and accumulated catches.
    • The catches are displayed in graphs indicationg the start of flights and peak phases and basic information for planning insecticide treatments. A sensor indicates when it is necessary to change the adhesive board.

    The Agrinsight® kit


    The AGRINSIGHT® kit – supplied together with the sensors – includes the measurements tools through which the user, supported by Agrinsight experts, is able to carry out the sampling and verify the fruit ripening status in order to determine the correct harvest window and set the correct conservation parameters.
    Subsequently, during the cold storage pahse, monitoring is carried out the cold storage rooms using the AGRINSIGHT KIT to make sure that the fruit is stored correctly and organoleptic characteristics are kept intact. The kit includes the following measuring tools:

    • Fruit size control gauge with 13 rings, from 30 to 90 mm
    • Accurate pocket scales
    • Penetrometer to check pulp hardness (for apples, pears, peaches)
    • Refractometer from 0 to 18% Brix, to check sugar content
    • Digital thermometer with graduated probe for measuring the internal temperature of the fruits
    • Acidimeter for measuring fruit acidity
    • Microanalyzer: optical instruments with zoom up to 30 for precise focusing
    01The data collected through the sampling works are recorded in the pre-collection section, where they are compared with the optimal parameters to determine the optimal time of harvesting.02With the support of AGRINSIGHT® technicians, the characteristics of the fruit are checked, and the conservation parameters are correctly set.03During the conservation phase, through the sampling, monitoring is carried out in the cells, to make sure that the fruit is stored correctly and that it is keeping all the organoleptic characteristics intact.

    Thanks to AGRINSIGHT® it is possible to have total control of the entire fruit supply chain, optimize the management of the activity and the highest quality of the fruits

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